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  • 0983029530

  • Mr, Linh Tran Mr, Linh Tran

    Mr, Linh Tran


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6 Month


  • 6-30VDC, 0-3A, 1-30W.
  • Position, Velocity, Acceleration Control.
  • Autor Turning Tool Support.
  • Follow Over Protect, Encoder, Motor Fail Protect.
  • Over Current, Over Temperature, Short Circuit Protected.
  • Support USB Communicate with DcTurningPro Sofware.
  • Support Virtual Com Port to communicate with users.
  • Communication: Pulse/Dir, UART, USB, Analog (Velocity Mode).
  • Close Loop Support: Smart PID, PID, PI, State Feedback.
  • H-Bridge mode with over current, temperature...protect.


  • The motion is very important and popular today. They appear in all most areas.
  • Special the motor, that is a big part of this fill.
  • There are many Dc Servo Drivers in the market but they are very special (not open), more expensive, so big...
  • Our driver is very small, low cost, more friendly, more open.
  • The driver has an Autor Turning Tool which auto-detect motor information.
  • There are many communication methods Pulse/Dir, Uart Network, Virtual Com Port, Usb.
  • There is software that can configure, control, simulate, visual.


  • Evaluation Close Loop, Research.
  • Robot, CNC, Automatic.


1. Licenses ID:

      Using this key HDHGILBOHFIEGDGN for DcTunerPro Software

2. Setting processing: (6 steps to config the Driver)

  1. Connect motor -> Encoder -> power to driver (Make sure correct power supply direction).
  2. Setting Encoder -> Save* -> Reset* (*: No need when config by the button)
  3. Turning (The driver will identify the Motor properties in this step)
  4. Choosing Mode Control: Position or Velocity 
  5. Choosing Method Control: Pulse/Dir, Uart,...
  6. Save -> Reset.

3. Connection:

4. Mechanical Specification (unit: mm)

5. Pulse/Dir Communication: (Your MCU will genegray Pulse/Dir signal to control the driver)

Position (rad): Position = (Number_Pulse/Electronic Gear)*6.283 (rad)
Velocity (rad/s): Velocity  <=> Pulse Rate
Acceleration (rad/s2): Follow by Velocity
Direction: Dir_Pin =1 : Forward rotation;  Dir_Pin =0 : Reverse rotation
Example Code: A Arduino Open Lib and Example MotionControlByPulseDir

6. Serial/Uart Communication: (Sending commands via Uart)

Uart Command List: ( Control Methods: UART/USB-UART (Vituar Com))

N0 ?     : Help

Nx  $xxx= Parameter_Value :     Parameter Setting Group;
            $001=20;     Address of the Driver is: 20
            $002=200;   Encoder Line (Encoder resolution per Round)
            $003=400;  The main Motor Saft will run 1/400 circle per One Pulse from External Pin (Pul/Dir).
            $004=4;      Model Close Loop Type (0: Turning, 1: None, 2: PID Position, 3: PI Velocity (recommend), 4: Smart Position (recommend), 5: None, 6: H-Bridge mode (Working as H-Bridge))
            $005=0;      Communicate Methode (0: PULSE/DIR, 1: UART Network, 2: None, 3: Analog (Just for velocity Mode))
            $006=2000mA; Current Limit
            $007=12;     Follow Error (rad(PositionModel) or rad/s(VelocityModel)): The Maximum different betwean ExtimateValue vs RealValue is 12
            $008=1;      Motor Protection Active (0: Disable, 1: Enable)
            $009=115200;         Uart Baudrate
            $010=2;      Delta Position Expect When press the TEST Button (Circle)
            $011=60;     Velocity Expect When press the TEST Button (Round/s)
            $012=500;    Acceleration Expect When press the TEST Button (Round/s2)

            $020=4870;   Kp_P=4870
            $021=0;      Ki_P=0
            $022=69;     Kd_P=69
            $023=33;     Kp_V=33
            $024=1144;   Ki_V=1144
            $025=0;      Kd_V=0
            $026=0;      Kp_I=0
            $027=0;      Ki_I=0
            $028=0;      Kd_I=0

            $101=0;      MCU(0: Runing, 1: Saving & Reset; 2: Reset; 3: Factory Reset & Reset;)

Nx [p/P value] [v value] [a value] : Moving motor Nx with p/P,v,a parametter
            Nx: x Adress Of Driver (0: Broadcast ; 1->99: Unicast)
            p: Absolute Position Value (Option)
            P: Relative Position Value (Option)
            v: Velocity Value(Option)
            a: Acceleration Value (Option)
            Example: (The Driver 1 go to 100rad with Velocity 50rad/s and Acceleration 600rad/s2): N1 p100 v50 a600

Nx  [d value] : d= Duty Cycle in H-Bridge Mode ($004 = 6); (Value Range: -900 to 900)

Note: "-": Direct =0 ; "1": Direct = 1 ;

Nx O [Kx] [T] [Mx] [Dx] [S] [L] [U] [r] [R101] [Gx] [C] ; (O: Operation Group Command)
            [ ] : Option
            Kx : Ack command respond (K1: Enable (default at start up MCU); K0: Disable
            T: Turning The Motor
            Mx: Control Method = M4 (M3: PI Velocity, M4: Smart Position, M5: None, M6: H-Bridge mode (Working as H-Bridge))
            Dx: Communicate Methode = D0 (D0: PULSE/DIR, D1: UART Network, D2: None, D3: Analog (Just for velocity Mode))
            S: Saving All Parameter
            L: Loock/Pause/Stoop the Motor immediately
            U: Unlook Motor
            r: Reset the Current Position to 0
            R101: Reset the driver
            C: Clear error list
            G: Get moving infor (G1: One Time; G3: Unitil Receive a New Data With Frequency Respond 5Hz; G255: One time with Randome Delay)

7. Error Codes:

E1: Follow error (so big difference between estimate position vs current position)
E2: A+ and B+ are wired in reverse. The user may solve this by swapping the A+ B+ connections or
motor’s wire connections.
E3: Faulty encoder. No signal from the encoder. The motor is stuck.
E4: Faulty motor wiring or just faulty motor in general.
E5: Over current detected.
E6: Voltage is out of range.
E7: Calibration fails. Unable to detect the properties of the motor.
E8: Temperature is too high.

8. Install Software & Driver: (using DcTunerPro to config the driver)

  • Install the driver from ".INF" file :

  • Fix issues "The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information":

  • Install DcTunerPro.
Num Title Download File size Date
1 MSDxx Manual v3.0
(File type: )

Warning: log() expects parameter 1 to be double, string given in /home/nlilect1mo/public_html/admin/lib/functions.php on line 25
2 DcTuningPro Software
(File type: )

Warning: log() expects parameter 1 to be double, string given in /home/nlilect1mo/public_html/admin/lib/functions.php on line 25

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