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The product include a DC Motor and Driver. It can control the speed of motor by Pwm, Analog, Uart, Rc without any more driver,
The driver have many useful features for the user:
Smart H-Bridge Driver supports the Acceleration/Deceleration feature. This feature will help protect the Electric, Mechanical…It will useful for many applications.
Easy limit maximum velocity of motor by hardware.
The driver also supports two Electric Current Home Sensors inside to limit the moving left and right. The user doesn’t need to add more extended limit switches. This driver will monitor the current when the Motor running, if the current of the Motor same as with the iLimit (iLimit is a current limit setting by a potentiometer in PCB), the driver will set a Touched Flag and stop moving in that direction. To move, the driver needs control by reverse direction or the Touched Flag need to be clear.
The driver supports many protection methods such as Under voltage, Over voltage, Over temperature, Over Current. These protecting features are very important witch help to keep the protection system.
Potentiometer control driver in Analog Mode:
Num | Title | Download | File size | Date |
Working Votagle: 12-27VDC
Encoder Resolution: 400 [PPR]
Motor Power Max: 60W
Quantity: 10
Working Votagle: 12-27VDC
Encoder Resolution: 400 [PPR]
Motor Power Max: 80W
Quantity: 2
Working Votagle: 12-24VDC
Encoder Resolution: 200 [PPR]
Motor Power Max: 40W
Quantity: 10
Working Voltage : 12VDC
Continous Cunrrent : 3A
Optical Encoder: 500[PPR].
Quantity: 9
Working Voltagle : 12[VDC]
Continous Current: 3[A]
Optical Encoder: 1000[PPR].
Quantity: 1
Quantity: 5